• 25 January 2023

On the south-west side mountains that surround the town of Cava de’ Tirreni, there is the majestic Abbey of the Holy Trinity founded in 1011 by Saint Alferio, a nobleman from Salerno of Lombard origin.


Since its first three centuries, the Abbey assumed a growing prestige, having under its control many churches, priories, as well as other abbeys themselves. It should also be remembered that its first four abbots became saints: Alferio, Leone, Pietro and Costabile (founder, among other things, of the splendid village of Castellabate).


The complex inside contains countless treasures. We begin with the Cathedral, initially built in the 11th century, then rebuilt in the 18th century. Of the original structure the Chapel of the SS. Fathers and the Cosmatesque ambo (which has extraordinary similarities with the one in the Cathedral of Salerno) remain. Then there is the Chapel of the ancient cathedral with sculptures by Tino da Camaino (artist who worked at the service of the Angevins in Naples), the Cloister with Arab-Norman influences (as can also be found in the Paradise Cloister in the Cathedral of Amalfi) . We then visit the Chapter, the Ancient Chapter Room and the Museum. Finally, going down into the basement of the Abbey you enter the 12th century crypt which housed the remains of monks and seculars who, out of devotion, chose to be buried here.


A few steps from Casa Lamberti B&B… don’t miss the opportunity to visit it!

Guided tours from 9.00 to 12.00

Every day, except Mondays.

For info and reservations: 347.1946957

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